
Jenny ebelke

Jenny is a retired Firefighter Paramedic although she still teaches Paramedic, EMT, CPR, and First Responder labs at a local community college.  She is also a Wilderness (Remote) Medic and is completing her Fellowship in the Academy of Wilderness Medicine soon. She has worked in the healthcare industry for over fifteen years and her passion has always been helping people in a variety of ways. After working in the inner city and seeing very traumatic things, she was given Young Living essential oils by a friend to help with relaxation, sleep, and stress. After learning more about the oils and how much they helped in her daily life, she became certified as an Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) Practitioner to help herself and her colleagues process some of the traumatic calls they ran.  AFT is also great for helping others and herself break through the negative “inner voice” that prevents you from striving for and achieving your goals and dreams. 

Then, three years ago, she first met the Oola Guru and Oola Seeker at a Young Living event in Kansas City.  She instantly felt drawn to the Oola principles and began trying to live a more balanced life.  Jenny took a Peer Support Specialist class in the fall of 2019 in order to continue to be able to help others deal with their personal issues.  Having to retire from her career as a Firefighter Paramedic was very difficult choice for her but she has always believed if one door closes, God will open another, and the Oola Life Coach program was launched right after she retired.  She knew instantly, without question, this was the way to continue to help others! 

     In addition to her personal experiences as a First Responder, many of the men in Jenny’s family served in the military.  She was a military “brat” as a child, having moved several times, and attended three different elementary schools.  Following her dreams, she continued moving around the country to achieve them. She has moved over twenty times!  Being raised in a military family, she also understands the different challenges, stresses, and life experiences they encounter. First Responders and their families experience many similar challenges, stresses, and experiences.  Another passion of hers is helping women of domestic abuse. AFT used in conjunction with life coaching can make a huge difference and really help women affected by it regain their confidence and learn to dream again.

  In her free time, Jenny is an avid gardener, hiker, camper, snow skier, Stand Up Paddle-boarder, and lover of all things outdoorsoutdoors.  She considers the mountains “home” and that is where she is most at peace.  Currently, she lives in Kansas City, KS on a “mini homestead” with a larger garden, her two dogs, two cats, and multiple backyard chickens.  

